PowerPoint “Presenter View” is a great option to view your presentation with Notes on presenter computer (your laptop), and while the audience will view notes-free presentation on the other display/monitor (like Projected screen). Lets see how to use Presenter View option on and connect second monitor/display. Prerequisites: Make sure your computer supports the use of multiple monitors, most computers these days support to use multiple monitors, check your computer manufacturer’s website. Step-1 Open your presentation file in PowerPoint 2010 Step-2 Click on “Slide Show” tab and Check the “Use Presenter View” option If you see this message then hit Check button to detect another display Step-3 Display settings window will open. Podcleaner pro 1.0.1 free download for mac.

You will see display 1 and 2 as when you have connected second display, other wise connect the second display and hit the “Detect” button. Searching youtube/google to solve problem I’m having using presenter view/projector in extended mode. Tried every choice of resolution but can’t fix it. The problem is that once extended mode is selected, what I see on the projectors screen(audience screen) is my desktop without any of the icons/folder view/windows desktop view and powerpoint when it opens is OFF the screen. Even after changing it back later to only my laptop monitor (one), PPT would open, but it would fly off the screen and wasn’t visible not the desktop. I had to right click on it in the task bar and say maximize so that I could finally see it on my laptop screen.


If changing the resolution of the monitors beyond recommended just reduced the desktop size and put a black frame around it but my icons/folder views were still not visible to click.

By The alternative, enriched way to launch your PowerPoint 2011 for Mac slide show is to use Presenter view. Do remember though that you need two displays for this view to work — either two monitors or a laptop-projector combo will work. When you use Presenter view, you see a special view (typically on your laptop), while your audience sees only the slides (typically projected).


To activate Presenter view, do any of the following:. Choose View→Presenter View from the menu bar. Click the Ribbon’s Slide Show tab, and in the Presenter Tools group, click Presenter View. Press Option-Return. Your slide show is now running in Presenter view. Presenter view may look a bit busy at first. In actual use, Presenter view is a simple, clean interface.

The window is split into quadrants. The top-left quadrant displays the slide as the projector is displaying it. The top-right quadrant displays the next slide in the presentation.

The bottom-left portion displays the text of the slide notes for the slide being displayed. The bottom-right area is where you can type slide notes as the presentation is playing. If you add notes during a presentation, remember to save the presentation before closing it so you don’t lose those notes! While most of the interface is self-explanatory, some items need a bit of discussion:. Swap Displays: If you end up seeing Presenter view on your projected output, click this button to switch which monitor displays Presenter view, and which monitor displays the slides. Tips: Click to display keyboard shortcuts you can use in Presenter view. Exit Show: Click to end the slide show and display Normal view.

Aug 9, 2018 - On a Mac using Power Point for Mac V15.33 if you go to set up Slide Show - set up slides, select browsed by individual (window), then select. May 16, 2011 - In PowerPoint 2007 and 2010 there is a little feature called Presenter View that could help you get rid of your printed notes and track better your.

Presenter View In Powerpoint: Mac 2011 Powerpoint Presenter Viewer

Well that’s really impressive, but what if you want to display a particular slide within your show? The secret is to move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the Presenter view window. A gallery of your slides appears. Drag the scroll bar to see more slides. Click a slide to display it to your audience. Yes, it’s like being a PowerPoint DJ!