I'm trying to register a custom protocol to an application on the Mac, i.e:. User clicks on link with 'abcdef://some/url/here'. An installed application is launched with the above string passed as the first param I've done this successfully on Windows using the information from this question: I would prefer to find something that is browser-independent, in other words at the OS level. I would also like to automate this registration through a shell script, so hopefully there is a way to do this that doesn't involve the GUI. On Macs this is easy to do with AppleScript. The most detailed description is in this article,.

  1. Ethernet Mac Protocol
  2. Remote Desktop Protocol For Mac

I'd read that page since it includes a full walk-through and a full working example to download. Basically, you make an event handler in a script: on open location thisURL display dialog 'I'm doing something with this URL: ' & return & thisURL end open location Then save that as an Application. Then in the Finder use Show Package Contents to edit the Info.plist. You add some properties to the app to register it as a handler for your protocol.

Vsprotocol For MacMac

Ethernet Mac Protocol

Brutal doom gzdoom download. Server solutions or network protocols without “fast find file” support may take a very long time to find files. Windows 2003 with 120,000 files needs about 7 minutes; Without fast find file support a single client search must traverse the server volume directory tree, adding load to the disk, CPU and network.

CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleURLName Cliff's handler CFBundleURLSchemes abcdef. Okay, I got it working too.

Remote Desktop Protocol For Mac

Ethernet mac protocol

Just as @counterbeing said, the handler works ONLY after you move the application bundle to a different (arbitrary) location. This feels bizarre, because it seems as if Mac OS X registers the application's protocol handler ON THE MOVE EVENT. I can see why this makes sense as most applications 'installed' into the /Applications directory just by having the user drag it in there most of the time. This way any installed applications (whether dragged into Applications directory or moved in by a.mpkg installer) will have their handlers registered. – Oct 17 '13 at 10:18.

As of today, the best way I found to solve this problem on a Mac with the least overhead is using the command line which allows me to define in a very simple text file all my associations: brew install duti You will need two things. First bundle ids of the Apps you want to associate: mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier /Applications/MacVim.app Second the UTI of the file type, but you can also explore the supported UTI by your app like this: mdls -name kMDItemContentTypeTree /Applications/MacVim.app Now make a text file somewhere in your system where you associate bundle ids with UTI: # /.default-apps.duti # # bundle id UTI role com.apple.Safari public.html all org.vim.MacVim txmt org.vim.MacVim public.ruby-script Notice that I can associate a URL handler like txmt and also file types like Ruby scripts. In that file you I keep track of all my app preferences and reproduce them immediately after a complete fresh install or when getting an account on other Mac just running: duti /.default-apps.duti.