Quick Download. Download, Version, Released, Info. XQuartz-2.7.11.dmg, 2.7.11, 2016-10-29, For OS X 10.6.3 or later. X11-2.6.3.dmg, 2.6.3, 2011-07-20, For. I used the combination of putty + Xming under Windows and has been worked perfectly. I can't find a solution for the Mac platform though.

Contents. You can run interactive applications that have Graphical User interfaces (GUI) by connecting to the cluster login node using ssh with X11 Forwarding enabled. Your local machine must be running an X server and enable X11 forwarding in order to display graphical output. Linux ON UNIX-like systems, an X Window System server is generally available and running with the default installation (or can be readily installed via the OS package manager). You can enable X11 Forwarding (that is the ability to visualize applications running on the cluster on your local linux box) by adding the -X flag to the ssh command you use to connect to the cluster: ssh -X loginid@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu where loginid is replaced by your cluster user name. Alternatively, you can override the ssh default for all your sessions on the Hoffman2 cluster by creating (or adding to) a file named config in the $HOME/.ssh on your local machine and adding the option: Host hoffman2 Hostname=hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu User= loginid ForwardX11 yes where loginid is replaced by your cluster user name. You can then login on the cluster as user loginid simply issuing: ssh hoffman2 Notes for X Window System users The leads the X Window System project and its software forms the basis for all the X packages from the various linux distributions.

Starting in Xorg 1.17 (running on CentOS 6.9 and 7.x; Ubuntu version 15.04 and up and other linux distributions) indirect was disabled by default, to enable indirect GLX and to allow remote visualization on the cluster of applications that use OpenGL (such as Abaqus, matlab, etc.) on your linux box you will have to locate the executable file Xorg (which is located in /usr/bin in CentOS), make a copy and create a wrapper to it in which Xorg is invoked with the +iglx flag. On CentOS this can be achieved with: mv /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/bin/Xorg.original echo -e '#!/usr/bin/env bash nexec /usr/bin/Xorg.original '$@' +iglx' /usr/bin/Xorg chmod +x /usr/bin/Xorg chcon -type=bint /usr/bin/Xorg N.B.: You will need root privileges to implement these changes. On Ubuntu this can be achieved with: sudo mv /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/bin/Xorg.original and than editing /usr/bin/Xorg to look like: #!/bin/sh # # Execute Xorg.wrap if it exists otherwise execute Xorg directly.

# This allows distros to put the suid wrapper in a separate package. Basedir=/usr/lib/xorg if -x '$basedir'/Xorg.wrap ; then exec '$basedir'/Xorg.wrap '$@' else exec '$basedir'/Xorg '$@' +iglx fi The computer will need to be rebooted. Mac OS X On Mac OS X, the X windows system is called XQuartz.

Mac OS X 10.5 10.6 and 10.7 installed it by default, but as of 10.8 Apple has dropped dedicated support and directs users to the open source. You can install XQuartz from the OS distribution media or download it from. The Apple terminal application can be used to connect to the cluster. Specify -Y, not -X, in the ssh command to enable X11 Forwarding (as by default, a mac assumes that an -X connection is untrusted): ssh -Y loginid@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu where loginid is replaced by your cluster user name. Alternatively, you can override the ssh default for your hoffman2 session creating a $HOME/ssh/config file similar to the one shown for linux logins.

Notes for XQuartz users Indirect GLX was disabled by default in Xorg 1.17, starting from XQuartz version 2.7.9, to enable indirect GLX and to allow remote visualization on the cluster you will have to issue at the terminal command prompt of your mac: defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enableiglx -bool true See from. For Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger): X11 should be installed from the OS media and manually started. Windows On Windows third-party software needs to be installed. Here is a list of possible choices:.

Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more. and X Window System Server for Microsoft. Linux-like environment for Windows. To add Cygwin/X server, select the xinit package from the X11 category. Commercial. Www.netsarang.com Notes for MobaXterm users. download (installer edition).

Xming Software

double click on the installer and follow direction to install the package. start mobaxterm. navigate to the “Settings” tab a window will pop up, select the “SSH” tab and click on the “SSH keepalive” box and press OK. select the “Session” tab, a window will pop up, select “SSH”, under Remote Host enter: hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu (you can also add your username here) click OK.

More experienced users know that you can connect to a Linux server quite easily using a variety of SSH (Secure Shell) clients. That's all well and good but what about if you need to use some tool that has a GUI? The answer is to use X11 forwarding. X11 forwarding is a mechanism that allows a user to start up remote applications but forward the application display to your local Windows machine. X11 Forwarding on Linux There are a few minor changes needed on your Linux box to enable X11 forwarding. In this basic example I am using a standard CentOS 6.5 installation with GNOME installed.

Other Linux distributions will have a very similar SSH daemon configuration. The SSH configuration file is located at /etc/ssh/sshdconfig. Locate and uncomment (or add) the following lines: X11Forwarding yes X11UseForwarding yes These items allow the traffic to be forwarded over to your computer from the host and also allow forwarding to be used. X11 forwarding can be configured on a per user basis. There are additional options that can be configured for X11 forwarding, but those go beyond the scope of this introductory article.

The system can also be configured to allow multiple X11 forwarded users, but each user will have to use a separate port range. Once the config file's modifications have been made to your Linux system, the SSH service will need to be restarted to effect the revised configuration. Restart the services by using the command: service sshd restart All being well, the sshd service will be fully restarted. As a funny little test, install 'xeyes.' Use the command: yum -y install xeyes. It is also prudent to check that the firewall is not blocking the forwarded requests.


Iptables' configuration may need to be adjusted if they are. To turn off Iptables on a temporary basis, you can use the command: service iptables stop On the Windows guest, the first requirement is to install PuTTY, which provides the mechanism to forward the display data between the host (the Linux server) and guest (your Windows machine).

If you don't already have PuTTY, download the PuTTY application from the website and install it. I'd suggest using the full download package. There are many display managers you can use. In this example we are using Xming, which is free and downloadable from. Download Xming to your Windows PC and run the setup. During installation, you might see a number of options; I'd suggest going with the defaults. Once Xming is installed you are ready to try out X11 forwarding.

You will need to allow the Windows firewall to be modified to allow Xming forwarding to work. This should automatically pop up and request the required access. There are also two settings in PuTTY that need to be changed to make X11 forwarding work.

Open PuTTY as normal, filling in the IP address or DNS alias name. Before clicking OK to connect to the server, go to the connection menu in PuTTY, select SSH, X11 and tick the box X11 forwarding. The xdisplay location should also be set to localhost:0, which is basically the display you are working on currently. You can now connect to the Linux server using PuTTY.

At the command line, run the command: xeyes. Hopefully a silly pair of comedy eyes will pop up that follow your cursor around the screen. To keep the terminal available for additional commands after you launch the X11 forwarded application, use an & at the end of the command to prevent tying up the terminal in question. Now that you have seen it in action, it is perhaps time to share how it all works. No matter which GUI you use on your Linux host, GNOME or KDE, they both have what is termed a xdisplay manager that underlies the GUI portion of the display.

It is a network protocol that was designed from the outset to allow items to be forwarded to whichever destination is required. X11 Forwarding on Mac X11 forwarding on Mac is just as easy. Download and install it as you would any other Mac package. Quartz is another instance of display management. To start using X11 forwarding to your Mac, use the -X switch. In other words, the ssh command would look like this: ssh -X root@mylinuxhost To test it just type in the command xclock or xeyes, and, as if by magic, you get a basic clock or aforementioned eyes on your desktop.