1. Should I Trade Matt Kemp For Mac 2017
  2. Matt Kemp Trade Rumors
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Seattle Mariners: Why the Team Should Trade for Matt Kemp. Posted on December 12, 2013 by kingdome. The Seattle Mariners reportedly had conversations with the Dodgers about incumbent outfielder Matt Kemp. Kemp is reportedly not being moved, but the M’s should maintain interest in the two-time All-Star.

Matt Kemp contract details, salary breakdowns, payroll salaries, bonuses, career. In 2019, Kemp will earn a base salary of $21,500,000, while carrying a total. Nov 02, 2018  The Dodgers’ unexpected trade for Matt Kemp sparked up rumors that the Dodgers were looking to regift Matt Kemp to another team! Turns out there isn’t much interest in trade talks for him. He is getting on the older side and towards the end of his contract, but I.

When the Dodgers recently pulled off a with the Braves that improved the team’s luxury tax accounting, they ended up with former star outfielder. It remains difficult to see Kemp ending up on the Dodgers’ Opening Day roster, but the team is also finding little interest in the veteran from other organizations,. Indeed, per Heyman, “the trade market for Kemp is believed to be virtually nonexistent at the moment.” That’s hardly surprising, of course. Atlanta no doubt would have moved Kemp previously if there had been an opportunity.

He’s worth nothing close to what’s left on his contract, which has been traded three times already. Still, we heard recently about the possibility of the Dodgers to another organization to take over a portion of the Kemp deal. Just how much cash might move off the L.A. Books would surely depend upon the quality of the prospect(s) up for the bidding, with any such deal potentially representing an interesting look at the market valuation of some young talent. Whether that sort of scenario might yet be in play is not yet clear, but it seems the Dodgers won’t be able to get much of a credit for the rights to Kemp himself. But that’s not to say that there’s no potential value left in the veteran slugger, who only just turned 33 years of year. Kemp, after all, is still a significant power threat who has managed slightly above-average offensive production over the past three seasons.

While health, defense, and on-base questions persist, he could well be worthy of a MLB roster spot — particularly for an American League team that is in need of a slugger that can mash against opposing lefties (against whom Kemp carries a lifetime.921 OPS). In any event, the Dodgers likely aren’t in much of a rush at present. Even with Kemp on the 40-man, the club has three open roster spots to work with. Unless and until pressure is created in that realm, the Los Angeles front office can explore any number creative ways to shed some of the obligations to Kemp while maximizing the organization’s resources in addressing other needs. Actually, it makes a lot of sense.

Hanley platoons at 1B with Bellinger, who is in the outfield on Hanley days. Hanley option doesn’t vest because he won’t get the ABs, so LAD is done after 2018. On the BOS side, Hanley’s $22MM becomes $15.75MM for Kemp (X2 years) because LAD and SDP already agreed to cover $6MM in prior Kemp trades. BOS gets a decent power threat at DH and purges Hanley while also saving some cash this year. Sign JD, who DHs against righties, plays LF against lefties.

Another possibility is BOS does this trade, then flips Kemp to another AL team (Rangers? Rays?) for prospects and pays half of Kemp. Still a cash savings over being stuck with Hanley next year. I would prefer a Rusney Castillo for Kemp deal. Dodgers can DFA Castillo and not have him count towards the luxury tax until 2019 (when the CBA forces teams to include those players in the luxury tax calculations).

The addition of Kemp will mean fewer ABs for Hanley and no 2019 vesting option. Then the $$ for Kemp (2019), Castillo (now), Pablo (2019) and Hanley (2018) would all be off the Sox books by the end of the 2019 season, The Sox could legitimately pursue a top flight FA next year, and then be under the luxury tax by 2020. The Orioles have pulled Machado off the market, which probably means that they haven’t been impressed with the offers they’ve received so far.

Just to begin the conversation, the O’s want two good starting pitchers who they can control for the next 5 years. Given that Machado can be a free agent next year, his asking price is pretty high. If those two pitchers can help the O’s over the next 5 years, they can help the team they’re with too. Machado stands to make about $17M in 2018 in his last year of arbitration. The Dodgers need to stay under the luxury tax limit.

A team like the O’s have no need for Kemp. No team has a need for Kemp unless maybe the Dodgers would pay like 75% of his salary. The Dodgers believe that they build a strong team using homegrown players, and they will continue with that approach.

Trading away too many of them for one year of a player who plays 3B and maybe SS, is probably not appealing to them. He is the definition of a below average defensive OF.

His DRS and UZR are shockingly bad. You saw it pretty evidently when he was in SD.

Injuries affected his career there’s no denying that. In CF he was an elite speed guy who had the speed to cover up for his bad routes and jumps.

He no longer is an elite speed guy. He is simply just a bad defender now. He will not see the Dodgers roster. He will not see it because he has no positional versatility and because of his clubhouse presence. The Dodgers didn’t want him, the Padres couldn’t wait to rid him so much so they were willing to take on Olivera, and the Braves well AA’s comments seem pretty evident.

Fans once thought Kent was just a salty bitter vet, but he seemingly continues to be right. Kemp is not the “right fit” guy.

He’s not seeing a dodger uniform again. There are several ways of measuring WAR, but they all end up ranking players in about the same order. Its value is that it takes away the passion, and the overvaluing players because of some spectacular plays they have made.

Should I Trade Matt Kemp For Mac

For instance, Kemp may end up up on the highlight reels for making some impressive diving catches, but outfielders with more speed and better jumps will make the same play look routine. WAR measures all that.

Kemp has been one of the 3 worst outfielders since he left the Dodgers. He gives up more runs on defense than he creates on offense. If we don’t use WAR, how else do we measure his ability on defense? The problem with any Hanley trade is that he has a vesting option that kicks in with something like 1100 PA’s over the 2017-2018 seasons.

He had 500 or so last year (I’m too lazy to do the research, but I heard this over the radio here in Boston last week), so he’d be darn close to getting it with real playing time. Going to the NL might help keep those PA’s down, sans the ability to DH. So it could still work, aside from the teams being interested in any such swap. As for a Kemp for Ellsbury deal, I’d do it too as a Yankees fan.

I highly doubt the Dodgers would. I hated that Ellsbury deal when it happened.

Should I Trade Matt Kemp For Mac 2017

I get wanting the player, but the money and years, plus a NTC, were absolutely mind boggling. That has to be a Stienbrenner special. Is Cashman that dumb? I don’t think so.

Maybe he was tho. Terrible contract regardless of who wanted it. Ramirez does have a vesting option for 2019 if he reaches 1050 PA by the end of 2018.

Matt Kemp Trade Rumors

He had 553 in 2017, so he’ll need just 497 this year for $22M option to vest for ‘19. He’ll make it if he plays every day and is marginally healthy. Alex Cora and Dave Dombrowski will, at some point next year, have to at least discuss how they’d like that to shake out. Would Cora platoon or bench him like Bob Melvin did with Coco Crisp a couple years ago? Tough decision. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think this would be an interesting move for the Tigers.

1) If they can get a solid prospect from the Dodgers, helpful in the rebuild. 2) They have openings on the OF Corners with JDMart, Upton gone and should have payroll flexibility with JDMart, Verlander, Upton, Anibal Sanchez, Kinsler all off the books 3) If he is bad, they get higher draft pick 4) Victor Martinez is a free agent after this season, can flip him at the deadline and DH Kemp rest of the way. 5) Kemp’s contract will be close to up by the time Tigers are ready to compete. Kemp needs to go to an AL team where he can just hit. When healthy, the guy can still rake. Last season, he came into the season in shape, and thru June 14, he was hitting.327/.364/.558/.922, which is about on par w/ his peak seasons w/ the Dodgers.

Then he injured his season, & the rest of his season went in the tank. That being said, an AL team should take a look at him as a DH.

Should I Trade Matt Kemp For Mac Free

The Dodgers will be picking up most of his contract anyway, so there’s really minimal risk there. A team like the Rangers, who don’t have an established player currently slotted at the DH spot, might be a decent fit.

So Kemp is a defensive disaster, a clubhouse malcontent, a league average bat in SD and Atl, doesn’t get on base anymore, his power is no longer elite, maybe just maybe he is in clear decline. He might have a “dead cat bounce” year, but it’s unlikely. If you are unsure of the reference it’s credited to BA. That said it really doesn’t feee anything up. Kemp might find more offensive success as mainly a DH, without the daily wear and tear, but I’m not buying he a first division regular in the field. And that’s the thing.

Should I Trade Matt Kemp For Mac

After his swing change/approach change he proved to be an even split guy. Last year you can probably chalk up to injury. He was drilled in the foot. It was essentially pain tolerance for him. He came back and like a true dodger experienced hamstring issues. Forsythe looked in between timing wise until the last month.

I definitely wouldn’t give up on him. He was never expected to be a star. He was a guy that plays above average D at 2nd/3rd drills lefties, gets on base, has some pop, abs is a great clubhouse guy. He’s a professional hitter that keeps a lineup turning over.